Shaquille, originally from Germany now based in Amsterdam, is an all-round creative in the strongest sense of the word. From storyteller to moderator to creative producer, she manages to do all. On top of that, she's able to squeeze in an International Fashion and Branding studies, specializing in Cultural Diversity and International Journalism.
Shaquille Shaniqua Joy (22): Creative Producer & Moderator
Her favourite OG Vans Silhouette is the OG Slip-On Checkerboard
In your work as a storyteller and moderator, you focus on telling other people's stories. We think it's time to hear yours. Would you like to tell us something about your journey towards your extensive portfolio of creative work?
I always feel like I get to tell parts of my story through those of others already. But as for me, my drive comes from being curious, wanting to learn new things and finding my interests and disinterests along the way. I've been scared to never find that one thing I want to do, but I now realize that doing a little bit of everything is actually a strength. The variety of projects I work on makes me grow and constantly teaches me new skills and new things about myself. I'm at the beginning of my career and always try to remind myself it’s ok not to have everything figured out at all times.