
Maha Amsterdam Meets: Pilar Madimin and Louis Oomes

For this edition of Maha Amsterdam Meets we had the pleasure of connecting with power couple Pilar Madimin and Louis Oomes - two remarkable creatives whose artistic talents seamlessly blend both in life and creativity. Pilar, an essayist and stylist, combines fashion and storytelling, while Louis, a photographer, is renowned for his technical precision and artistic vision.

'In a world where there were no limits we would also love to photograph extinct animals like mammoths and dinosaurs.' 


What’s one piece of advice you would give to aspiring creatives who want to collaborate with their partner?

We would advise them to give each other the opportunity to express- and try the other person's ideas, before forming your own judgement. Give each other the space to develop new concepts first, before judging their ideas.

If you had to describe each other's artistic approach in three words, what would they be? 

⁠If Louis had to describe Pilar: nonchalant, hard working, organized. If Pilar had to describe Louis: go with the flow, innovative, creative.


What’s a hidden talent / hobby you each have that fuels your creativity?

⁠Louis: my hidden talent is being able not to overthink and let it happen naturally, ‘let it overcome you’. Pilar: my hobby is literature, which allows me to picture whole worlds and characters that eventually leads me into concretizing them into my work. 

What’s the first thing you ever made together? 

⁠The first thing we ever made was a job that Pilar got and asked Louis to shoot. We did the whole thing together: concept, styling, make-up, setting up the lights and retouching.


If  you could create a dream project together, no limits, what would that look like? 

⁠We would love to publish a really thick book, full of photos, paintings, stills, fashion, art, poetry, writing. In a world where there were no limits we would also love to photograph extinct animals like mammoths and dinosaurs. 

What’s a piece of art, a film, or a book that changed the way you see things?

Louis’ is a movie: Microcosmos. For Pilar: any Frida Kahlo painting that is a self-portrait.


Talent: Pilar Madimin | Photographer: Louis Oomes